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![]() In Honor of April Fool's Day... There is a lot of debate regarding the origin of April Fool's Day. Some think that the tricky holiday got its start back in the day of Constantine's Roman reign when he apparently let a court jester be king for a day and then honored the absurdity of it all by naming the day April Fool's Day. Of course, if you believe that explanation, you're actually the victim of an April Fool's Day prank that involved a professor pulling a fast one on the AP Press in 1983. Others stick with the explanation that April Fool's Day originated in France in the 1500s when April 1 actually began a new calendar year. No matter what you believe, April Fool's Day is the perfect opportunity to scare your spouse with a little white lie or switch out your teacher's chalk for white crayons (turns out that's not so great for the chalk board). According to a few of our Facebook and twitter followers, here are a few of the most memorable pranks that they pulled (or that got pulled on them!) in honor of April Fool's Day: @Sirg27 asked: So who idea was it to plastic wrap my car? Vicki Nutt via Facebook says: A male co-worker was always trying to pull prankson me... so for April Fool's Day, I took out an ad in the newspaper foran indoor rummage sale! I posted signs at his residence that said "sale inside, please knock" He had people showing up at 5 a.m.! The firstcustomer knocked on the door... my co-worker answered the door in his skivvies and the customer greeted him with "how much for the plant"? Best April Fool's prank ever! LOL @joshwaters said: The doctor told me today I have an third arm growing off my shoulder. Hesaid to let it grow, then join a circus and exploit it for $. #APR1 @TWITTERWHALE said: Twitter just changed the character limit to 200!! #AprilFools!! You still get 140 characters. @Kirstysara said: Today is a great day, haven't been fooled yet ;) @BrittneyGuest said:@JboroOccasions Moved a friend's entire dorm room to another's. We left only a Beauty and the Beast coloring sheet with a bearded Belle Were you pranked today or did you pulled a fast one on one of your friends today? Leave your comment below. If you aren’t already, friend us on Facebook and follow us on twitter @jborooccasions. [+] add comment |