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Autism Resource Conference

Aug 4th, 2016 @ 12:00 am < Previous Page

Autism Resource Conference 2016 sponsored byAg for Autism

The conference is free of charge with lunch provided.

Space is limited to 250 attendees, to be held at The Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas.

Register Now at agforautism.org/conference

What's the Topic? Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) Level 1 Training by an expert from the Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARCC) in Phoenix, Ariz.

This knowledge-based training will discuss the history of PRT. It will highlight the motivational procedures to increse communication while decreasing challenging behaviors, and the importance of data collection to monitor progress. The training will include video examples and interactive activites.

Participants wil be able to identify the motivational procedures of PRT, describe how improvement in communication can lead to a reduction in problem behavior and understand the importance of data collection to monitor student progress.

Who Can Attend? Training is available to parents, caregivers, therepists and educators who are interested in learning more about how to implement Pivotal Response Treatment.

What Does it Cost? The conference is provided free of charge by Ag for Autism funding.