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Confessions and Life Lessons from a 50-Year-Old Cardiologist's Wife
Oct 27, 2011

Friday is the big day, my birthday. Half a century. Old, old, old as my sister reminds me. I remember JFK’s funeral. As a child, I knew if I was still up when Johnnie Carson came on, it was very late. The Vietnam War and the Beatles were a backdrop to my early life. And yet I don’t feel that old; at least not when I get enough sleep and my joints aren’t screaming. They say wisdom comes with age so what can you learn from a 50 year old person? Plenty and of course, I’m happy to share my wisdom anytime, any place, so here we go.

Number one. Though I’ve always been an active person, I wish I had really gotten super fit when I was in my 20’s and worked harder to stay that way. Right now, I feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve been in at least 15 years, maybe more. I can’t describe how much better I feel and how much more energy I have than I did at various times in my life. My life would have been so much easier if I had been in shape. Tough times would have been less stressful if I’d always followed a good exercise plan.

Number two. Pursue your dreams now. Don’t wait for better times to do everything, you might not get tomorrow. A riding instructor would always say, “Do what it takes to get what you want”. If a lack of money is keeping you from taking that dream trip, get a second job for a few months and cut your spending drastically. If you hate your job, get training or go back to school. If you are fat and want to lose weight, get help and do it. Don’t live in misery. I’m not promoting running up your credit card or neglecting your family and responsibilities here, I’m just saying get out and live life.

Number three. Take care of yourself. Do I look 50? I’ve always taken good care of myself and my skin (sunscreen people!) and it has paid off. If you aren’t vain, this won’t apply to you but most of us suffer some degree of vanity. My healthy lifestyle is also a huge contributor to the way I look and feel. NO Smoking! NO Drugs and go easy on the alcohol.

Number four. Surround yourself with people you love and who are supportive. Make time for your children and spouse every day. Avoid those who are hurtful, negative or a bad influence. Be loving and supportive in return and expect to work at all your relationships. I honestly look forward to time with my family, even if it’s just dinner.

Number five. Try new things, meet new people, don’t be afraid of the unknown. You will find a feeling of exhilaration and renewed energy when you get out of your rut. If your idea of a date night is to go to the movies, try a night of dancing instead. If you dread the family Thanksgiving, go on a trip one time. Take up sewing or knitting to relax while exercising those brain cells. I believe all life craves stimulation so seek it out.

I’m done preaching. I hope someone gets inspired. Remember, it’s almost never to late to make a change.

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