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The Cardiologist's Wife Gets a Photo Facial
Feb 06, 2013

Time for a follow up report on my photo facial. I had my first treatment a couple of weeks ago on a icy January afternoon. Dr. Gillespie’s office is cozy and comfortable so I relaxed while she applied a numbing cream to my entire face. Important note: she only uses a numbing cream for this treatment - no needles! Some hardy souls opt not to use numbing cream. The light feels a bit like a rubber band popping your skin so it is up to you to decide. The numbing cream takes about 30 to 40 minutes to work, so I lay there listening to music. After giving me protective eye goggles, Dr. Gillespie ran a wand or hand piece over my skin which delivered pulses of light. I could see bright flashes of light even around the goggles and sometimes feel a faint pop. This part of the procedure took about 30 minutes. Then Dr. Gillespie wiped off the cream and I rinsed my face. I was free to go; I could apply makeup or return to work. Dr. Gillespie told me my face might be a bit red and that I might already notice new brown spots or the ones I had might be darker.

I will say that my face felt very strange while numb. It is one thing to have your mouth numb for dental treatments, it is another for your entire face to be numb. It didn’t stop me from eating, talking or anything else and wore off completely in about two hours. I felt no pain at all during or after the procedure. That night I did notice some new dark spots and the old ones were definitely darker. I used my usual skin care routine and gradually over two weeks, many of the brown spots sloughed off. I am very impressed. I knew up front that it would take more than one treatment for the larger brown spots on my nose and temples to disappear so in another couple of weeks, I will have another go round. I have not noticed that any fine lines have disappeared but I didn’t expect them to after one treatment.

After my next treatment, I hope to have before and after photos to share as well as any further information and my results. You can visit this website for more information and see some before and after photos of other people; www.foreveryoungbbl.com.

I am considering Exilis, the body shaping and skin tightening treatment for use on your body. I have always hated the wrinkled look of my stomach due to having a nine pound, six ounce baby boy, followed three years later by his smaller sister. I am also considering have the laser hair removal done on my knees because I always cut myself horribly shaving. If I do decide to have these done, you can expect a report.

You still have time to enter the contest I’m sponsoring. For more information see last week’s post HERE . The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate.

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